Ⅰ. 模型通过“自助法”(Bootstrap)将原始数据以有放回的形式随机抽取样本,建立样本子集,并将每个样本中37%的数据作为袋外数据(Out-of-Bag Data)排除在外;
Ⅱ. 对每一个样本随机选择特征构建其对应的生存树;
Ⅲ. 利用Nelson-Aalen法估计随机生存森林模型的总累积风险;
Ⅳ. 使用袋外数据计算模型准确度。
生存,竞争风险生存设置需要一个时间和审查变量,应该在公式中使用标准生存公式规范作为结果。一个典型的公式是这样的:Surv()~。状态是用户数据集中事件时间和状态变量的变量名。对于生存森林(Ishwaran et al. 2008),审查变量必须编码为一个非负整数,0为审查保留,(通常)1=死亡(事件)。对于竞争风险森林(Ishwaran et al., 2013),实现类似于生存,但有以下注意事项:审查必须编码为非负整数,其中0表示审查,非零值表示不同的事件类型。而0,1,2,…,J为标准,建议事件可以不连续编码,但必须始终使用0进行审查。将拆分规则设置为logrankscore将导致生存分析,其中所有事件都被视为相同类型。通常,竞争风险需要比生存设置更大的节点大小。
RandomForestSRC 是美国迈阿密大学的科学家 Hemant Ishwaran和 Udaya B. Kogalur开发的随机森林算法,它涵盖了随机森林的各种模型,包括:连续变量的回归,多元回归,分位数回归,分类,生存性分析等典型应用。RandomForestSRC 用纯 C 语言开发,其主文件有 3 万多行代码,集成在 R 环境中。
if (!require(randomForestSRC)) install.packages("randomForestSRC")
if (!require(survival)) install.packages("survival")
Veteran’s Administration Lung Cancer Trial Description Randomized trial of two treatment regimens for lung cancer. This is a standard survival analysis data set. Format trt: 1=standard 2=test celltype: 1=squamous, 2=smallcell, 3=adeno, 4=large time: survival time status: censoring status karno: Karnofsky performance score (100=good) diagtime: months from diagnosis to randomisation age: in years prior: prior therapy 0=no, 10=yes
data(veteran, package = "randomForestSRC")
## trt celltype time status karno diagtime age prior
## 1 1 1 72 1 60 7 69 0
## 2 1 1 411 1 70 5 64 10
## 3 1 1 228 1 60 3 38 0
## 4 1 1 126 1 60 9 63 10
## 5 1 1 118 1 70 11 65 10
## 6 1 1 10 1 20 5 49 0
Format age: in years albumin: serum albumin (g/dl) alk.phos: alkaline phosphotase (U/liter) ascites: presence of ascites ast: aspartate aminotransferase, once called SGOT (U/ml) bili: serum bilirunbin (mg/dl) chol: serum cholesterol (mg/dl) copper: urine copper (ug/day) edema: 0 no edema, 0.5 untreated or successfully treated 1 edema despite diuretic therapy hepato: presence of hepatomegaly or enlarged liver id: case number platelet: platelet count protime: standardised blood clotting time sex: m/f spiders: blood vessel malformations in the skin stage: histologic stage of disease (needs biopsy) status: status at endpoint, 0/1/2 for censored, transplant, dead time: number of days between registration and the earlier of death, transplantion, or study analysis in July, 1986 trt: 1/2/NA for D-penicillmain, placebo, not randomised trig: triglycerides (mg/dl)
data(pbc, package = "randomForestSRC")
## days status treatment age sex ascites hepatom spiders edema bili chol
## 1 400 1 1 21464 1 1 1 1 1.0 14.5 261
## 2 4500 0 1 20617 1 0 1 1 0.0 1.1 302
## 3 1012 1 1 25594 0 0 0 0 0.5 1.4 176
## 4 1925 1 1 19994 1 0 1 1 0.5 1.8 244
## 5 1504 0 2 13918 1 0 1 1 0.0 3.4 279
## 6 2503 1 2 24201 1 0 1 0 0.0 0.8 248
## albumin copper alk sgot trig platelet prothrombin stage
## 1 2.60 156 1718.0 137.95 172 190 12.2 4
## 2 4.14 54 7394.8 113.52 88 221 10.6 3
## 3 3.48 210 516.0 96.10 55 151 12.0 4
## 4 2.54 64 6121.8 60.63 92 183 10.3 4
## 5 3.53 143 671.0 113.15 72 136 10.9 3
## 6 3.98 50 944.0 93.00 63 NA 11.0 3
Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) Description Competing risk data set involving AIDS in women. Format A data frame containing: time time to event status censoring status: 0=censoring, 1=HAART initiation, 2=AIDS/Death before HAART ageatfda age in years at time of FDA approval of first protease inhibitor idu history of IDU: 0=no history, 1=history black race: 0=not African-American; 1=African-American cd4nadir CD4 count (per 100 cells/ul)
data(wihs, package = "randomForestSRC")
## time status ageatfda idu black cd4nadir
## 1 0.02 2 48 0 1 6.95
## 2 0.02 2 35 1 1 2.51
## 3 0.02 2 28 0 1 0.18
## 4 0.02 2 46 1 0 4.65
## 5 0.02 2 31 0 1 0.08
## 6 0.02 2 45 1 1 2.05
1. 肺癌数据集分析(veteran)
1.1 例子一
v.obj <- rfsrc(Surv(time, status) ~ ., data = veteran, ntree = 100, nsplit = 10,
na.action = "na.impute", tree.err = TRUE, importance = TRUE, block.size = 1)
## plot tree number 3
plot(get.tree(v.obj, 3))
## plot results of trained forest
## Importance Relative Imp
## karno 0.2093 1.0000
## celltype 0.0689 0.3292
## age 0.0291 0.1389
## diagtime 0.0248 0.1187
## trt 0.0028 0.0134
## prior -0.0008 -0.0037
## plot survival curves for first 10 individuals -- direct way
matplot(v.obj$time.interest, 100 * t(v.obj$survival.oob[1:10, ]), xlab = "Time",
ylab = "Survival", type = "l", lty = 1)
## plot survival curves for first 10 individuals using function 'plot.survival'
plot.survival(v.obj, subset = 1:10)
## fast nodesize optimization for veteran data optimal nodesize in survival is
## larger than other families see the function 'tune' for more examples
tune.nodesize(Surv(time, status) ~ ., veteran)
## nodesize = 1 OOB error = 32.03%
## nodesize = 2 OOB error = 31.5%
## nodesize = 3 OOB error = 31.43%
## nodesize = 4 OOB error = 31.09%
## nodesize = 5 OOB error = 29.94%
## nodesize = 6 OOB error = 30.18%
## nodesize = 7 OOB error = 30.23%
## nodesize = 8 OOB error = 30.52%
## nodesize = 9 OOB error = 32.17%
## nodesize = 10 OOB error = 31.44%
## nodesize = 15 OOB error = 30.41%
## nodesize = 20 OOB error = 30.2%
## nodesize = 25 OOB error = 29.29%
## nodesize = 30 OOB error = 30.07%
## nodesize = 35 OOB error = 32.59%
## nodesize = 40 OOB error = 31.23%
## optimal nodesize: 25
## $nsize.opt
## [1] 25
## $err
## nodesize err
## 1 1 0.3203098
## 2 2 0.3149949
## 3 3 0.3143164
## 4 4 0.3109239
## 5 5 0.2993893
## 6 6 0.3017641
## 7 7 0.3023295
## 8 8 0.3051566
## 9 9 0.3216669
## 10 10 0.3144295
## 11 15 0.3041389
## 12 20 0.3019903
## 13 25 0.2929436
## 14 30 0.3007464
## 15 35 0.3258510
## 16 40 0.3122809
## fast nodesize optimization for veteran data optimal nodesize in survival is
## larger than other families see the function 'tune' for more examples
tune.nodesize(Surv(time, status) ~ ., veteran)
## nodesize = 1 OOB error = 32.16%
## nodesize = 2 OOB error = 30.61%
## nodesize = 3 OOB error = 30.69%
## nodesize = 4 OOB error = 29.75%
## nodesize = 5 OOB error = 30.27%
## nodesize = 6 OOB error = 30.87%
## nodesize = 7 OOB error = 28.97%
## nodesize = 8 OOB error = 28.85%
## nodesize = 9 OOB error = 29.69%
## nodesize = 10 OOB error = 30.06%
## nodesize = 15 OOB error = 30.73%
## nodesize = 20 OOB error = 31.4%
## nodesize = 25 OOB error = 31.4%
## nodesize = 30 OOB error = 30.73%
## nodesize = 35 OOB error = 32.71%
## nodesize = 40 OOB error = 31.85%
## optimal nodesize: 8
## $nsize.opt
## [1] 8
## $err
## nodesize err
## 1 1 0.3215538
## 2 2 0.3060613
## 3 3 0.3068529
## 4 4 0.2974669
## 5 5 0.3026688
## 6 6 0.3086622
## 7 7 0.2896641
## 8 8 0.2885333
## 9 9 0.2969015
## 10 10 0.3006333
## 11 15 0.3073052
## 12 20 0.3139772
## 13 25 0.3139772
## 14 30 0.3073052
## 15 35 0.3270949
## 16 40 0.3185005
2.2 例子二
vd <- veteran
vd$celltype = factor(vd$celltype)
vd$diagtime = factor(vd$diagtime)
vd.obj <- rfsrc(Surv(time, status) ~ ., vd, ntree = 100, nodesize = 5)
plot(get.tree(vd.obj, 3))
2. 原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)
2.1. 例子一
## Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver
pbc.obj <- rfsrc(Surv(days, status) ~ ., pbc)
## Sample size: 276
## Number of deaths: 111
## Number of trees: 500
## Forest terminal node size: 15
## Average no. of terminal nodes: 14.038
## No. of variables tried at each split: 5
## Total no. of variables: 17
## Resampling used to grow trees: swor
## Resample size used to grow trees: 174
## Analysis: RSF
## Family: surv
## Splitting rule: logrank *random*
## Number of random split points: 10
## (OOB) CRPS: 0.1259854
## (OOB) Requested performance error: 0.16910578
2.2. 例子二
pbc.obj2 <- rfsrc(Surv(days, status) ~ ., pbc, nsplit = 10, na.action = "na.impute")
## same as above but iterate the missing data algorithm
pbc.obj3 <- rfsrc(Surv(days, status) ~ ., pbc, na.action = "na.impute", nimpute = 3)
## fast way to impute data (no inference is done) see impute for more details
pbc.imp <- impute(Surv(days, status) ~ ., pbc, splitrule = "random")
3. 比较RF-SRC和Cox回归
## prediction function required for pec
predictSurvProb.rfsrc <- function(object, newdata, times, ...) {
ptemp <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, ...)$survival
pos <- sindex(jump.times = object$time.interest, eval.times = times)
p <- cbind(1, ptemp)[, pos + 1]
if (NROW(p) != NROW(newdata) || NCOL(p) != length(times))
stop("Prediction failed")
## data, formula specifications
data(pbc, package = "randomForestSRC")
pbc.na <- na.omit(pbc) ##remove NA's
surv.f <- as.formula(Surv(days, status) ~ .)
pec.f <- as.formula(Hist(days, status) ~ 1)
## run cox/rfsrc models for illustration we use a small number of trees
cox.obj <- coxph(surv.f, data = pbc.na, x = TRUE)
rfsrc.obj <- rfsrc(surv.f, pbc.na, ntree = 150)
## compute bootstrap cross-validation estimate of expected Brier score see
## Mogensen, Ishwaran and Gerds (2012) Journal of Statistical Software
prederror.pbc <- pec(list(cox.obj, rfsrc.obj), data = pbc.na, formula = pec.f, splitMethod = "bootcv",
B = 50)
## Prediction error curves
## Prediction models:
## Reference coxph rfsrc
## Reference coxph rfsrc
## Right-censored response of a survival model
## No.Observations: 276
## Pattern:
## Freq
## event 111
## right.censored 165
## IPCW: marginal model
## Method for estimating the prediction error:
## Bootstrap cross-validation
## Type: resampling
## Bootstrap sample size: 276
## No. bootstrap samples: 50
## Sample size: 276
## Cumulative prediction error, aka Integrated Brier score (IBS)
## aka Cumulative rank probability score
## Range of integration: 0 and time=4365 :
## Integrated Brier score (crps):
## IBS[0;time=4365)
## Reference 0.191
## coxph 0.146
## rfsrc 0.132
## compute out-of-bag C-index for cox regression and compare to rfsrc
rfsrc.obj <- rfsrc(surv.f, pbc.na)
cat("out-of-bag Cox Analysis ...", "\n")
## out-of-bag Cox Analysis ...
cox.err <- sapply(1:100, function(b) {
if (b%%10 == 0)
cat("cox bootstrap:", b, "\n")
train <- sample(1:nrow(pbc.na), nrow(pbc.na), replace = TRUE)
cox.obj <- tryCatch({
coxph(surv.f, pbc.na[train, ])
}, error = function(ex) {
if (!is.null(cox.obj)) {
get.cindex(pbc.na$days[-train], pbc.na$status[-train], predict(cox.obj, pbc.na[-train,
} elseNA
## cox bootstrap: 10
## cox bootstrap: 20
## cox bootstrap: 30
## cox bootstrap: 40
## cox bootstrap: 50
## cox bootstrap: 60
## cox bootstrap: 70
## cox bootstrap: 80
## cox bootstrap: 90
## cox bootstrap: 100
cat("\n\tOOB error rates\n\n")
## OOB error rates
cat("\tRSF : ", rfsrc.obj$err.rate[rfsrc.obj$ntree], "\n")
## RSF : 0.1714494
cat("\tCox regression : ", mean(cox.err, na.rm = TRUE), "\n")
## Cox regression : 0.1938652
4. 妇女跨机构艾滋病毒研究
wihs.obj <- rfsrc(Surv(time, status) ~ ., wihs, nsplit = 3, ntree = 100)
cif <- wihs.obj$cif.oob
Time <- wihs.obj$time.interest
idu <- wihs$idu
cif.haart <- cbind(apply(cif[, , 1][idu == 0, ], 2, mean), apply(cif[, , 1][idu ==
1, ], 2, mean))
cif.aids <- cbind(apply(cif[, , 2][idu == 0, ], 2, mean), apply(cif[, , 2][idu ==
1, ], 2, mean))
matplot(Time, cbind(cif.haart, cif.aids), type = "l", lty = c(1, 2, 1, 2), col = c(4,
4, 2, 2), lwd = 3, ylab = "Cumulative Incidence")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("HAART (Non-IDU)", "HAART (IDU)", "AIDS (Non-IDU)",
"AIDS (IDU)"), lty = c(1, 2, 1, 2), col = c(4, 4, 2, 2), lwd = 3, cex = 0.6)
下图为综合两种方法的散点图,其中,蓝色点代表VIMP值大于0,红色则代表VIMP值小于0;在红色对角虚线上的点代表两种方法对该变量的排名相同,高于对角虚线的点代表其VIMP排名更高,低于对角虚线的点则代表其最小深度排名更高。相较于Cox比例风险回归模型等传统生存分析方法,随机生存森林模型的预测准确度至少等同或优于传统生存分析方法。随机生存森林模型的优势体现在它不受比例风险假定、对数线性假定等条件的约束。同时,随机生存森林具备一般随机森林的优点,能够通过两个随机采样的过程来防止其算法的过度拟合问题。除此之外,随机生存森林还能够对高维数据进行生存分析和变量筛选,也能够应用于对竞争风险(competing risk)的分析。因而,随机生存森林模型有着更为广泛的研究空间。